Remote PC Service

Many problems with your PC require relatively quick fixes. Save money and time by allowing us to access your computer remotely. If we determine that your computer needs a more hands-on approach, we will advise you to bring it in or schedule an on-site service visit.

How It Works

Call us when you're ready for your computer to be serviced. You will need to be with your computer when we begin. We will direct you to this webpage. You will be instructed to click the orange "Download" button below. This will download the SOS app. Once the SOS app is downloaded, run the app. The app will provide you with 9-digit code. Give that code to the technician on the phone. We will then be able to connect to your computer. The technician will advise you further as-needed. Once the work is completed, the technician will disconnect from your computer and will not be able to re-connect without your permission. You will then be billed for the service.

Click the Orange Button to Begin

Windows PC's Only